Bridging The Gap From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be

3 Questions Every Business Owner Needs To Ask Themselves

1. Is Your Current Business Where You Want It To Be?

2. Do You Want Your Business To Increase Sales and Profits?

3. Do You Have A Business, Marketing And Implementation Plan Written Down?

If you answered “Yes” to all 3 questions,
Then what are you looking for?
On the other hand, if you answered “No”
to any one of the above questions,
What’s holding you back from doing something about it?

Your Vision vs
Your Reality!

Do you remember when you first started your business. The vision you had for your Perfect Business Model.

Then Reality hits when everything starts happening. Looking after customers, suppliers, complaints, deliverables, staff, receivables, payables, the bank, the competition, etc., etc.! There’s less time for planning, more time spent just keeping everything going.



Usually it’s one of 4 reasons:
1. Time        2. Money         3. Know How          4. Mindset


Business owners trade their time for money.
To maximize sales and profits, you leverage your time by using:
People, Systems, Technology, Assets and Marketing.

Money & Know How:

Where you invest your money and with whom, are strong leverage points that can lead to business growth. Using professionals with specialized knowledge and skills, saves you time, and more importantly produces better results than you doing these tasks yourself; examples you may currently be doing: accounting, website/IT work, marketing, etc.

The same holds true for creating and implementing a solid Business/Marketing and Implementation Plan.


Forget about 1, 2, and 3, if you don’t have the right mindset to accept the fact that for things to change you need to change what you are doing and put together a Business/Marketing and Implementation Plan in place if you truly want to achieve your Business and Personal Goals.

Face the harsh reality of your situation, if you could have done it, then, why aren’t you there now?

We Bridge The gap From Where you are Know To Where You Want To Be

It’s great to know where you want your business to go, however you can’t plot a course for success if you don’t have a starting point.

That means having an in-depth solid knowledge of all aspects of your current business model is essential in establishing the base point from where to start.

Here is a short list out of the many aspects of your business you need to know before you can start drafting a Business/Marketing and Implementation Plan:

You Need To Know…

  • Your Sales broken down by individual categories and profits for each one.
  • Top selling products and services.
  • Highest revenue producing products and services.
  • Sales Goals as well as your Personal Goals.
  • Understanding the demographics of your customer and the problems your products/services solve.
  • Customer buying habits; average value of the first-time transaction; frequency of purchases; and lifetime value of your customer.
  • Where your new customers come from: online; offline; referrals; etc.
  • A complete list and budget for all current and past Marketing Campaigns, what worked and what didn’t.
  • Your Market Positioning relative to your competition.

 The SRFI Formula For Success

Just about any business/marketing consultant can rhyme off a bunch of marketing strategies, techniques and systems that every business should do…BUT…

  • Are they right ones for your unique business model?
  • What is the correct order of Marketing/Systems to implement – first, second, third, etc.?
  • Does the content in your marketing position you as the knowledgeable expert and builds a relationship of trust and confidence in your ability to solve the customer’s problems?
  • Is your marketing message consistent over all your marketing platforms?
  • Are the marketing systems integrated on all mediums: online; offline; instore?
  • Have they answered the question the consumer has in their mind, which is, “Why should I do Business With You Above All Other Options?”
  • Have they identified the “Hidden Opportunities” in your business that will increase sales?
  • Do they have the expertise to either, implement the marketing strategies, techniques and systems, or will they manage the project and people who will perform the work required?
  • Do they look at cost savings to increase profits?

We treat your business as if it were our own; with the understanding of who you are, your core values and your business culture that you want to convey to consumers.

With this depth of understanding, we can create a marketing and implementation plan that puts your company in the best possible position to achieve both your personal and business goals.

Just about any business/marketing consultant can rhyme off a bunch of marketing strategies, techniques and systems that every business should do…BUT…

  • Are they right ones for your unique business model?
  • What is the correct order of Marketing/Systems to implement – first, second, third, etc.?
  • Does the content in your marketing position you as the knowledgeable expert and builds a relationship of trust and confidence in your ability to solve the customer’s problems?
  • Is your marketing message consistent over all your marketing platforms?
  • Are the marketing systems integrated on all mediums: online; offline; instore?
  • Have they answered the question the consumer has in their mind, which is, “Why should I do Business With You Above All Other Options?”
  • Have they identified the “Hidden Opportunities” in your business that will increase sales?
  • Do they have the expertise to either, implement the marketing strategies, techniques and systems, or will they manage the project and people who will perform the work required?
  • Do they look at cost savings to increase profits?

We treat your business as if it were own; with the understanding of who you are, your core values and your business culture that you want to convey to consumers.

With this depth of understanding, we can create a marketing and implementation plan that puts your company in the best possible position to achieve both your personal and business goals.

Client Reviews

“I would highly recommend Ron…”

“Ron did an outstanding job designing my business model and implementing a marketing program that has increased sales to over a $270,000 in 2 years!  I never would have achieved this success without your coaching, marketing plan and your services. The system works flawlessly.  I am very happy with his knowledge and the help he has given me!  Thanks for doing it all.”   

S. Siddighi

“I would highly recommend Ron…”

“Working with Ron Romano has been the best non-medical decision I’ve made when it comes to enhancing the productivity of my practice.  They are the premier marketing consulting firm for physicians.

I had tried numerous so-called internet marketing and website firms, with little to no success, and wasted much of my marketing budget.

Dr. Neil Baum

“I would highly recommend Ron…”

“I started working with Ron Romano over 12 years ago. His has marketing and conversion systems has increased the number of clients I get both on-line and offline. One simple addition to the site has been able to create a stream of cash flow and profits I was never able to get with any other internet marketing companies. My ROI is through the roof!

Dr. Greg

 SRFI Marketing Plan Overview

We have a unique specialty of expertise working with businesses to create a comprehensive, integrated and coordinated online/offline business/marketing and implementation plan, as well as provide consulting advice on anything to do with marketing, advertising and growth for your business.